Chess.com’s Clock app just got updated on iOS and Android. With more functionality, tons of useful presets, and an overall better design, the most popular chess clock app in the world got even better.
If you’re on the go and have a chess set and a chess-playing buddy next to you, our Clock app won’t let you down—you’ll never have to settle for playing without a time control again!
Here’s an overview of everything the new Clock app has to offer:
Popular Time Presets
The Clock app has some of the most popular OTB time control presets ready for you. Whether you want to play a quick 3-minute blitz game or would like to play a longer time control, you’ll find the ideal preset on the app.
And if you’re looking for something other than the default time presets, you can always create a new one yourself.
Time Odds And Advanced Settings
But what if one of the players is much better than the other? You can now make things more interesting by playing a game with time odds. The new version of the app lets you set up different time controls for each player.
It also features other advanced settings to improve your chess-playing experience. For example, you can manually adjust the time for each player in case some disturbance happens—like if one of the players makes an illegal move.
Multiple Increment And Delay Options
Of course, no chess clock is complete without having multiple delay and increment options. The new version of the app lets you quickly give players extra time after each move. You can also set the increment or delay to start after a specific move number.
Custom Themes
Not only does the new Clock app packs all the functionality you need to play OTB chess, but you can also customize it with different theme colors. Choose between six colors to make your chess clock look better than ever!
Download the new Chess Clock for iOS and Android now, and let us know what you think in the comment section below!
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